No. 3 (2018): Homenaje a la profesora Isabel Rubio de Miguel

Development and Perspectives of a multidisciplinary project on the Neolithisation of the Iberian Peninsula

Manuel Ángel Rojo-Guerra
Universidad de Valladolid.
Rafael Garrido-Pena
Universidad de Madrid. Universidad de Valladolid.
Iñigo García-Martínez de Lagrán
Investigador Juan de la Cierva - Incorporación, Dpto. Prehistoria, Universidad de Valladolid.
Published January 17, 2019


Neolithic, Meseta, Ebro Valley, Pyrenees, stockbreeding, agriculture
How to Cite
Rojo-Guerra, M. Ángel, Garrido-Pena, R., García-Martínez de Lagrán, I., Tejedor-Rodríguez, C., Arcusa-Magallón, H., & Royo-Guillén, J. I. (2019). Development and Perspectives of a multidisciplinary project on the Neolithisation of the Iberian Peninsula. Anejos a Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología, (3), 113–126.


The results of a multidisciplinary research Project about the neolithisation of Iberia are shown, which began in the 90’s in the inner lands of Soria, where we discovered the oldest proofs of farming in the interior highlands of Iberia. The dynamics of this project lead us to the neighbour Ebro valley, where we did fieldwork in several important sites such as the Artusia and Valmayor XI rock-shelters, but mainly in the Els Trocs cave, right in the central Pyrenees, with exceptional results that are changing the picture of the first Neolithic populations of the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. A synthesis of the main discoveries made in those excavations is offered, to finally conclude with a general outline of the most significant research lines that the investigations about the Iberian Neolithic has in the future agenda, part of which are also present in the projects we are currently developing, whose main provisional results are also shown.


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