No. 3 (2018): Homenaje a la profesora Isabel Rubio de Miguel

Water management structures found in first Neolithic village at Near East: contribution from tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria)

Published January 11, 2019


Neolithic, Near East, water management, Tell Halula
How to Cite
Water management structures found in first Neolithic village at Near East: contribution from tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria). (2019). Anejos a Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología, (3), 27–36.


This paper focuses on difficulties to identify and interpret structures related to water management in Neolithic settlements (mudbricks, plasters floors...). Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria) as a case of study will be deeply analyzed during PPNB
(c. 7500 cal ANE). Particularly the field work excavations developed on 2011 let us to detect populated areas rejection of wastewater and offered several samples to be studied. The interaction between water, built spaces and corridors in domestic areas become essential to understand water strategies from these communities and their mud-brick architecture. Complementarily, building structures such as wells, pipes or water deposits, will be presented with the aim to validate the water management interpretation using new methodologies.


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