Vol.31 (2019)
Diásporas, migraciones y fronteras

The complexity of representing life at the limits through Yto Barrada’s work

Zuriñe Santamaría Mesanza
Investigadora independiente
Portada del volumen 31 de la revista
Published August 6, 2020


Yto Barrada, Homo sacer, Ariella Azoulay, Judith Butler, Hannah Arendt, Migrantes, Tangier
How to Cite
Santamaría Mesanza, Z. (2020). The complexity of representing life at the limits through Yto Barrada’s work. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 31, 93–112. https://doi.org/10.15366/anuario2019.31.005


Yto Barrada’s documentary photos and films show the complexity of life in the borderlands, migrants waiting for the right moment to cross the border and the effects of the border in the local population. And the artist represents it far away from any orientalist or exotic cliché. Some theorists have understood her work as the representation of individuals without agency, individuals devoid of representable identity. However, we propose in this article a new interpretation based on the theories of Ariella Azoulay, Judith Butler and Hannah Arendt. According to these interpretations, we understand that in Barrada’s work these individuals, and the city of Tangier itself, are made visible and represented as full of agency; and the visual memory of the city of Tangier and the society who inhabits it, is recovered and made visible.


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