Vol. 29 (2017): Technologies, education, and digital divide

Proposal of application of the blended learning methodology in the subject of Greek in baccalaureate

Raquel Fornieles Sánchez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrif
Published January 17, 2017


blended learning, active methodologies, information and communications technology, non-classroom teaching, classroom teaching
How to Cite
Fornieles Sánchez, R. (2017). Proposal of application of the blended learning methodology in the subject of Greek in baccalaureate. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 29, 77–100. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.29.003


We present a proposal of application of the Blended Learning methodology in the subject ‘Griego I’ of the first course of ‘Bachillerato’. This implies the design of a Didactic Unit entitled The Greek Language to be teached according to the Blended Learning methodology through the virtual platform edX Studio of the Autonomous University of Madrid. This Didactic Unit consists of seven sections divided into multiple subsections. Most sections include at least one explanatory video that students should visualize before the beginning of each face-to-face class, as well as a number of materials and assessable activities. The working time in the classroom will be devoted to discussing videos, clarifying doubts, explaining certain concepts and performing tasks related to the material available on the platform.


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