Vol. 3 (2019)

Music therapy in polymicrogyria. An intervention proposal

Raquel Ortega
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Published July 7, 2020


music therapy, polymicrogyria, stimulation, cerebral palsy
How to Cite
Ortega, R. (2020). Music therapy in polymicrogyria. An intervention proposal. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 3, 131–147. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2019.3.008


This study proposes a protocol for a music therapy intervention for patients suffering from polymicrogyria. This low prevalence disease is caused by an incorrect folding pathway on the cerebral cortex. After having done a review, some necessities accessible with music therapy and some therapic goals have been established. These goals have determined the activities design. After having developed the protocol, it has been undertaken with a 13 years old patient suffering from polymicrogyria. The results obtained have been positive, because music therapy has increased her attention, decreased her heart rate and stimulated her movement capacity. The study also has valorized the previous knowledge about music therapy of the patient’s parents using a test. It has shown that music therapy is not considered as an official complementary therapy in polymicrogyria. With these results, it is necessary to gather higher sample so that more representative studies and validated protocols can be done. 


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