Vol. 3 (2019)

Music therapy as an accomaniment to migratory grief: a unique case study on identity

Ana Howe
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Miren Pérez-Eizaguirre
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published July 7, 2020


migratory grief, refugees, ethnomusicology, music therapy, Nordoff- Robbins
How to Cite
Howe, A. ., & Pérez-Eizaguirre, M. (2020). Music therapy as an accomaniment to migratory grief: a unique case study on identity. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 3, 108–130. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2019.3.007


Objectives: To facilitate the emotional expression, to contribute to the reduction of the psychological regression, to accompany in the process of change of personality of a migratory duel. Method: The procedure has been based on the creation of live music according to the model Nordoff-Robbins or humanistic-creative of music therapy. Results: The creation of a space of confidence for the expression and emotional management, elimination of hierarchical elements and empowerment that allows the improvement of the self-esteem as well as, the construction of a new identity and the endowment of tools for the confrontation of future difficulties. Conclusions:      This unique case study allows us to see how the Nordoff-Robbins model of music therapy allows for accompanying the development of a migratory grief, which is essential for the emotional and cognitive management of a geographical displacement that entails a vital change, motivated by a loss. This is possible thanks to the role played by improvisation and live music creation, since it places the participant in charge of the formation of his process, managing his own situation which, in turn, will facilitate the management of any new difficulty in the future. At the same time it is a tool that leaves aside the communication barriers formed by cultural distance, language or disparate experience, by establishing an alternative way to do it, where the differences are resolved through the ear.


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