Vol. 3 (2019)

Self-esteem, Music Therapy and Gender Violence A group meeting from the plurimodal approach

Empar Guerrero
Universidad Católica “San Vicente Mártir"
Published July 7, 2020


music therapy, self-esteem, gender violence
How to Cite
Guerrero, E. . . (2020). Self-esteem, Music Therapy and Gender Violence A group meeting from the plurimodal approach. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 3, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2019.3.001


In this article we present the results of the music therapy intervention, carried out with 24 women, victims of gender violence.
Objectives: Demonstrate that the use of music therapy contributes to a) To favor the increase of self- esteem of these women; b) improving interpersonal relationships; c) encourage the initiative
Method: For the sessions, we use the method of Plurimodal Approach of Music Therapy. To evaluate the results, were applied before and after, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Bruscia IAPS (the improvisation evaluation profiles) and to value initiative and interpersonal relationships.
Results: An increase of the self-esteem in all the women. It was observed that it was higher in those that were less time separated of their abuser. Likewise, through the IAPS it was observed that improving interpersonal relationships and that the initiative increased more, in the women who had been separated from their abuser more time.


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