Vol. 19 No. 4 (2021): Innovación educativa

Teachers' Perceptions of the Transition from the Traditional Classroom to Project-Based Learning for Student Engagement

Lucía Fernández-Terol
Jesús Domingo
Portada del Volumen 19, Número 4 de REICE
Published September 29, 2021


Learner engagement, Organizational conditions, Case studies, Teacher professional development, Project based learning
How to Cite
Fernández-Terol, L., & Domingo, J. . (2021). Teachers’ Perceptions of the Transition from the Traditional Classroom to Project-Based Learning for Student Engagement. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 19(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2021.19.4.011


Research on student engagement generates a great deal of interest due to its significant relationship with numerous variables in the school context, such as academic failure or achievement. This work reflects the transition of a school that evolves from the traditional classroom to the active classroom, from the teachers' perception. It identifies the strengths, difficulties and needs presented by teachers in this process of methodological transition to involve students. This study focuses on a school that is transforming classroom practice to improve student engagement through the progressive incorporation of project-based learning. It uses a mixed methodology, through single case study and ethnography. The participants were seven teachers and the school principal. In the methodological transition, the findings revealed that fear of change and the need for pedagogical training, support and teacher collaboration were the main difficulties. Strengths were found in mentoring and teacher collaboration. PBL is presented as a methodology that favours student engagement. In order to address the needs and difficulties of teachers, it was necessary for the school to create a series of organisational conditions to support this transition.


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