Vol. 22 No. 3 (2024)

Factors Affecting Performance of Students in Quantitative Reasoning Competencies in Standardized Tests

Jahir Lombana
Leonor Cabeza
Published June 28, 2024


Competences, Educational quality, Assessment , School effectiveness, Test
How to Cite
Lombana, J., & Cabeza, L. (2024). Factors Affecting Performance of Students in Quantitative Reasoning Competencies in Standardized Tests . REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(3), 47–67. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.3.003


Standardized tests have been configured to evaluate the quality of education in countries, generate state public policies and present strategies for institutional improvement. Tests in quantitative reasoning are a cause for concern in Colombia due to the low performance of students compared to international benchmarks. Thus, the objective of this article is to analyze factors that affect the results of the Quantitative Reasoning competency in the State tests for higher education in Colombia (SaberPro) in students of administration and related subjects. The research has a quantitative design with methods that use independent variables to determine impact on competency both in importance (ANOVA) and probability of occurrence (logistic regression). The highest probability of obtaining better results may occur when the student is male; with a bachelor's degree; with a scholarship/subsidy, paid COP 7 million or more in tuition; from an official-municipal institution; university-presential; from the Andean region; with a mother with a postgraduate degree; with access to internet and computer. In conclusion, public policies should play a significant role both in purely curricular aspects, as well as in the impact on the socioeconomic context of the students. Institutions should review the way they impart knowledge and ensure that their strategies correspond to the students' environment


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