Republican humanism, court humanism. The Italy of the tre-quattrocento

Marcello Fantoni
Kent State University
Portada del número 22, primavera-verano de la revista
Published July 1, 2021


Humanism, court, Italy, Quattrocento, Old regime
How to Cite
Fantoni, M. (2021). Republican humanism, court humanism. The Italy of the tre-quattrocento. Librosdelacorte.Es, (22), 235–254.


Courtier humanism constitutes the foundation of a process that, leading to the formulation of a new culture in Italy, will give it the characteristics that will determine its European radiance based on a catalytic force that is eminently political. In this context, the 'small' Italian courts of the fifteenth-century function as incubators of new civilization models for the great European courts of the Ancient Regime.


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