Citius, Altius, Fortius <p><em>Citius, Altius, Fortius: Humanismo, Sociedad y Deporte: Investigaciones y ensayos</em> (CAF) is an international journal edited by the Centro de Estudios Olímpicos of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). This center is also responsible for the coordination and management of its contents and its selection processes. It is published every six months. The journal publishes high-quality research papers and essays on sport and physical activity from historical, social, educational and humanistic perspectives, with particular emphasis on Olympism and the Olympic Movement.</p> Universidad Autónoma de Madrid es-ES Citius, Altius, Fortius 2340-9886 <p class="estilo6"><span class="estilo8"><span>Citius, Altius, Fortius,</span></span><span> no se identifica necesariamente con el contenido de los artículos publicados en la revista. Cada autor se responsabiliza del contenido de su colaboración</span></p> IMPACT ON IDENTITY THROUGH SPORTS PRACTICE: THE CASE OF FLAG FOOTBALL IN MEXICO <p>Through the sporting practice of flag football and within the framework of the XVIII Flagtex International Tournament 2023 with the participation of more than 200 teams from 31 states of the Mexican Republic, as well as the United States and Panama, a survey was conducted as part of the investigation to analyze from the philosophical category of the existentiality of playing, the possibility of the existential impact of said practice on the experience and experience of the players, its meaning and meaning in the formation of character, development of their identity, relationship with the others in the dynamics of the game and the competition. The methodology to collect the data started from the application of a Likert scale survey with the objective of finding the relationship regarding their sports practice from competition at an amateur level and recreational field, and how it impacts their daily life. In the year 2028 in Los Angeles, the United States will be an Olympic sport.</p> Mafaldo Maza Dueñas Vanessa García González Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 17 1 1 13 10.15366/citius2024.17.1.001 AGAINST THE WIND: SPANISH ATHLETICS DURING THE FIRST FRANCOISM (1939-1956) <p>This article proposes a historiographical reconstruction of Spanish athletics in the first decades of the Franco dictatorship. This task offers the opportunity to observe the internal dynamics within the National Sports Delegation (DND) and the federations, noting the precariousness and lack of resources of Spanish sport, especially those minority sports that did not enjoy the interest of the spectators. The permanent crisis in athletics, together with the importance given to it by sports leaders, provoked a constant succession of federative crises, with resignations, dismissals and replacements, which showed the impotence of the DND to develop a coherent sports policy. For this reason, the article reviews, through the use of official documentation, press and biographical material, the path of athletics in those years through its different federation presidents to confirm that Spanish sport lived trapped between the demand for a glorious performance in line with the official discourse of the regime and the reality of a radical lack of means and knowledge.</p> Carlos García Martí Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 17 1 15 30 10.15366/citius2024.17.1.002 AN ETHICS OF SPORT APPLIED TO STAKEHOLDERS: FROM A POST-TRUTH CONTEXTO <p>In this article, we propose an ethic applied to stakeholders, groups of affected, in sport. The growing scandals in the world of sports, which not only affect professional athletes, but also businessmen, coaches, referees and others involved in the sports infrastructure, make this ethical proposal necessary. All this is increased by a <em>postruth</em> context where it is difficult to differentiate between truth and lies, helped by the media that introduce into the <em>postruth</em> field the massive nature of lies and the ease with which they can be disseminated on social networks.</p> Raúl Francisco Sebastián Solanes Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 17 1 31 40 10.15366/citius2024.17.1.003 SPANISH BOXING IN THE LOS ANGELES GAMES-1984: THE GRAPHIC SOURCE IN ITS HISTORICAL RECOVERY <p>In the historical recovery of Spanish boxing at the Olympic Games of Los Angeles 1984, the graphic sources from the personal archives of the protagonists have played an essential role. A documentary analysis of the photographs of three of the Spanish boxers who took part in those Games was carried out, contrasting the data obtained with the testimonies gathered in three interviews. All the information was triangulated with data from other primary sources: the official reports of the Olympic Games of Los Angeles 1984 and the publications of the International Boxing Association. The methodological triangulation was completed with information obtained from numerous secondary sources of different kinds. The historical recovery of the result has led to the recovery of multiple unpublished historical aspects such as the changes and novelties introduced in Olympic boxing in that edition. Thus, we have been able to document that for the first time: the head box, the digital scales, a new weight category, two different sizes of gloves, a substitute jury system, an Olympic diploma for the first eight finalists, etc., were used for the first time. The qualitative aspects from the interviews with the primary sources have allowed the reconstruction of a period of Spanish sport that includes the human aspects of the perception of that event, the affective conditioning factors of that experience, etc. It can be concluded that this research represents a historical rescue that offers a photograph of Spanish boxing in that Olympic event from the point of view of its protagonists.</p> María Teresa Calle Molina María Eugenia Martínez Gorroño Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 17 1 41 61 10.15366/citius2024.17.1.004 JORNADA OLÍMPICA 2024 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 17 1 75 76 STORY OF A JOURNEY TO OLYMPIA: OLYMPIC VALUES EDUCATION FOR BUILDING A BETTER WORLD <p>This publication stems from the commitment made with the International Olympic Academy to share with the academic community and specialists in the Olympic Movement my experience as a representative of the Spanish Royal Olympic Academy at the 63rd International Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors, held from June 10 to 22, 2023 in Olympia, Greece. The program aims to facilitate the gathering of youth from around the world, promoting coexistence in an environment of peace and Olympic values. To achieve this, opinions, knowledge, and first-hand experiences are shared about the events, disseminating the lessons learned and driving the Olympic Movement.</p> Félix Vela Gálvez Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 17 1 63 71