No. 26 (2021)

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Suarez’s political theory and the social contract tradition

Felipe Schwember Augier
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Daniel Loewe Henny
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Portada del número 26 de la revista
Published June 14, 2021


Social contract, Francisco Suarez, property, authority, ius gentium
How to Cite
Schwember Augier , F. ., & Loewe Henny, D. . (2021). The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Suarez’s political theory and the social contract tradition. Bajo Palabra, (26), 161–178.


The present work attempts to place the political theory of Francisco Suarez in the social contract tradition and by so doing examine the general relationship between contractualism and natural law. It will argue that Suarez is a social contract theorist in a qualified sense of the term and in using that sense the work will show that there is complementarity rather than incompatibility between contractualism and natural law. Finally, it examines Suarez’s thesis on the emergent character of political power to suggest some points of difference with modern political theory.


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