No. 24 (2020)

Reading in between the seams: the connection between aesthetics and society in the XX century

Belén Fernández de Alarcón Roca
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Marta Isabel González de la Rubia
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Portada del número 24 de la revista Bajo Palabra
Published November 26, 2020


Aesthetic, Fashion, Style, Haute Couture, Globalisation, Democratisation of Fashion
How to Cite
Fernández de Alarcón Roca, B., & González de la Rubia, M. I. (2020). Reading in between the seams: the connection between aesthetics and society in the XX century. Bajo Palabra, (24), 415–430.


This article aims to showcase the importance of the study of aesthetics, focusing primarily on fashion and the way of dressing as the carriers of a message, as well as displaying how theoretical and philosophical studies of fashion have caught the attention of a plethora of intellectuals from the XIX century, as the first part of this article focuses. The second part contains examples that illustrate the theoretical studies, in which constant changes, designers and most importantly, their designs, 'in-between fabrics and seams', carry hidden messages that reflect the reality of what was happening in a particular moment in time, like the cultural, political, and economic movements of the era that may also reflect changes in the way people think.



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Ajuntament de Barcelona: Barcelona en posguerra