No. 24 (2020)

Urbicide: War Violence against Urban Buildings

Arturo Aguirre Moreno
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Portada del número 24 de la revista Bajo Palabra
Published November 26, 2020


Urbicide, Hostility, Mass Violence, Rubble, Contemporary Philosophy
How to Cite
Aguirre Moreno, A. (2020). Urbicide: War Violence against Urban Buildings. Bajo Palabra, (24), 319–336.


This paper emphasizes the corpocentric nature of buildings from the spatial point of view in philosophy, and forensics in anthropology, of the last century. It analyzes the change in the execution of war and the metamorphosis of human habitation in the face of urbicide or military violence against buildings. It highlights the material and socio-spatial relevance of the property in the intimate relationship with the human body, which makes it possible to point out that the building is not an accident of living or collateral damage in conflict.



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