No. 19: Laicism and secularization in current Europe

The Dialectic Between the Social Demand for Plurality, the Diverse Devotional Options and the Exclusivity of Belief. An Additional Cause of Secularization?

Enrique Romerales Espinosa
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Published December 4, 2018
How to Cite
Romerales Espinosa, E. (2018). The Dialectic Between the Social Demand for Plurality, the Diverse Devotional Options and the Exclusivity of Belief. An Additional Cause of Secularization?. Bajo Palabra, (19), 69–86.


Contemporary society fosters pluralism unrestrictedly, taken as diversity of options on offer in any sphere of life. Even though in some areas such diversity is complementary and enriching, there are others in which it is alternative, yet inclusive, and still other ones where such diversity is selective. This is usually the case with religions, especially with the monotheistic ones. The social demand for unrestricted plurality –that in the religious field turns into diverse devotional options on offer– collides with the demand of exclusivity with no alternatives, that is peculiar to religions. Philosophy, theology or social theory promote a pluralist attitude congenial to our times, but this pluralism is highly problematic both for religious denominations and their devotes. This strain is plausibly an additional cause for the decrease of religious beliefs and practices in the Western world, one of the key facets of secularisation, decrease significantly influenced by the Enlightenment and science, in spite of reservations in this regard put forward by certain scholars.


Keywords: pluralism, diversity, religion, belief, secularisation, devotion, science.


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