Vol. 16 (2004)

Castilla y Al-Andalus. Arquitecturas aljaimadas y otros grados de asimilación

Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published November 30, 2004
How to Cite
Ruiz Souza, J. C. (2004). Castilla y Al-Andalus. Arquitecturas aljaimadas y otros grados de asimilación. Anuario Del Departamento De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, 16, 17–44. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/anuario/article/view/2432


This work presents different standars of assimilation in architecture (form, space, funcion, ideology) between Castille an Al-Andalus, from the eighth to the fifteenth century. The bigges problem we face in the study of spanish medieval architectures has been the distorion of view because of the methodology of research: "The Theory of Styles" and namely "The Mudejar Style", responsible of mos commonplaces of the spanish medieval art (convivencia, labour, building materials, etc).


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